Editing your geosparkies.com site with WinSCP
table of contents
Stuff you’ll need:- §
- geosparkies.com sign up confirmation email
- WinSCP (download)
- Public and private keys you used for signing up to geosparkies.com
- Decent knowledge in HTML(why are you even here otherwise?)
Steps to follow:- §
- Hopefully by now you’ve got your sign up confirmation by email and are looking forward to creating your own page, keep the password provided in the back of your head, it comes into play later.
- Download and install WinSCP
- Now when you open WinSCP, you’ll meet with the login page.
- Enter the following here:-
- Host name: geosparkies.com
- Username: username you used to sign up to geosparkies.com
- Password: the password given in the sign up confirmation email
- Now the final step before you go ahead and login. Go to advanced=>SSH=>Authentication and under authentication parameters, add your private key by locating it by using the file browser.
- Add your public key in the same tab by copying it from the file and adding it to the “Display public key” button.
- Close that tab and now save your preferences for making logging in easier.
- Login and after logging in you can find your index.html file present there.
- ???
- profit